The world is full of ideas and it's because all humans have brains. But an idea by itself is cold. It just sits there and does nothing. If one wants to do something with an idea, you need fire. You need to be on fire.
Trying to begin anything worthwhile is hard. But it's only hard because you have the wrong approach. This results in failure, and a serious blow to your self confidence. You begin to believe you can't do anything. At this point, a lot of people feel cold. They go home. They quit.
But you're not going to quit because your failure is your fuel. The more you fail at everything, the more fuel you burn. And you'll keep on burning that fuel until the only thing that's left is success.
This is why being on fire is important. Fires destroy everything to allow new things to grow in their place. But cold people hate the ones who have fire. This is because nothing can stop you when you're on fire. Not sleep. Not sickness. Not injury. Not even yourself. Your fire doesn't care about these things. It'll just grow indifferently.
By consequence, your fire produces smoke. Others see this smoke, and they begin to follow you. They begin to get hot, until eventually they have some of your fire. Think one person on fire is a good thing? Imagine crowds. This is when a paradigm begins to form. This is when the world begins to change.
Your smoke becomes indicative of your success, but ignore this. Whether it's women, money, or fame, success only seduces you into thinking you can do anything without effort. This is dangerous, do your best to avoid it. Rather, keep yourself busy and continue to do things that matter to you. Set more things on fire.
You may ask, where do you find fire? I think the answer is anger. Anger quickly turns into jealousy, which then in turn becomes motivation. At the heart of all this is change. And at the heart of change is your fire.
At a certain time in everybody's life they realize the world's broken in more than one way. You should make it an imperative to fix it, in whatever way you can.
But understand, finding the right idea is hard. It's a painful process. One way to start is by seeing the holes in our world. Identify them, and begin discussing with others how to fill these holes. If you can take a vacation from this idea, it's probably the wrong one. Find an idea that burns when you hold on to it. Grab it with both hands and never let it go. That's how you make your fire.
The world is a cold place without all of this. Make sure to light it with what ever fire you have.
Inspired by a post I read on This post is written to be purely rhetorical.